
Ben Irving jättää Biowaren kahdeksan vuoden jälkeen

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Ben Irving on ilmoittanut Twitterissä jättäneensä Biowaren kahdeksan vuoden palveluksen jälkeen. Lähtö tapahtui hänen saatuaan tarjouksen toisen firman palvelukseen siirtymisestä. Mies muistetaan ennen kaikkea Anthemin johtavana tuottajana.

Onko Biowarella vielä toivoa? Kommentoi alla.

"After 8 amazing years at BioWare I have made the decision to move on and have accepted an exciting opportunity at another gaming company. Since the first time I played Baldurs Gate many many years ago, BioWare was the dream place I always wanted to work".

"I will forever be grateful to all the people who gave me the chance to work on great products with amazing people. I believe Anthem has a bright future - there is a great team working on it and I look forward to following its progress (and playing it!) from the sidelines".

"I have really enjoyed interacting with the Anthem community - Streams, Twitter and Reddit. Through the good times and the tough times. You all are in great hands with @Darokaz and @UNTDrew (and have been for some time now). I wish nothing but the best for all of you. Ben."

Ben Irving jättää Biowaren kahdeksan vuoden jälkeen

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