System Shock 2

System Shock 2 Enhanced Edition keskittyy co-op-pelaamiseen

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* Pakollinen tieto

Jokin aika sitten Nightdive Studios julkisti Enhanced Editionin olevan tulossa klassisesta System Shock 2:sta. Nyt Nightdiven toimitusjohtaja Stephen Kick on kertonut lisää projektista Games Radarille. Tuunattu versio keskittyy kaverin kanssa pelattavaan co-opiin, ja toki tuki modeille on mukana.


"Our priority with the Enhanced Edition is to be able to deliver an updated co-op multiplayer component. As of right now starting a co-op campaign is needlessly complicated and we're going to address that by implementing features that will enable a more modern and streamlined experience."

"Our other priority is to ensure that all existing mods and fan missions are compatible with the Enhanced Edition, but much of that will rely on the cooperation of the mod community. We have some other surprises that we'll be revealing in the future."

Entä nähdäänkö peliä konsoleilla? Sellaista takuuta Kick ei halunnut tässä vaiheessa antaa.

"We're going to experiment with other platforms mostly to evaluate how the UI from [this game] would transition to a controller, but that doesn't guarantee you'll see [it] appear on console anytime soon."

System Shock 2

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