World of Warcraft: Classic

Blizzard kommentoi jonoja WoW: Classicin palvelimille

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* Pakollinen tieto

World of Warcraft: Classicin palvelimet ovat olleet pystyssä muutaman päivän, ja jotkut käyttäjät ovat raportoineet sieluttomista jonotusajoista palvelimille.

Peliohjaaja Ion Hazzikostas on kommentoinut asiaa foorumilla kertoen, että heillä on ollut oma tärkeysjärjestyksensä asiassa. He haluavat olla kauaskatseisia pelin hoitamisessaan. Toisin sanoen palvelimia aukaistaan lisää tarpeen mukaan.

"But from the start of planning for this launch, we've tried to prioritize the long-term health of our realm communities, recognizing that if we undershot the mark in terms of launch servers, we could move quickly to add additional realms in the opening hours. But if we went out with too many servers, weeks or months down the line we'd have a much tougher problem to solve."

"Thus, we took the path of launching with few enough realms to still thrive in the event that our most conservative estimates ended up proving accurate, while having enough servers ready to activate at a moment's notice if needed. And clearly they were, and are, needed."

"We've released over 20 new realms worldwide so far since launch, and we'll be up around the clock continuing to do so until everyone who wants to experience Classic is able to. But even still, as we bring new realms online in a given region, we wait for them to fill before opening new ones, because we want to make sure that each and every realm has a healthy population in the long term."

World of Warcraft: Classic

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