
Entinen Bioware-pomo kertoo Frostbite-pelimoottorin ongelmista

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Joitakin vuosia sitten EA päätti, että kaikkien heidän omistamiensa studioiden tulee käyttää DICEn Frostbite-pelimootoria omissa peleissään. Tämä oletettavasti tuotti säästöjä, mutta samalla se aiheutti suuren joukon erinäisiä ongelmia.

Aaron Flynn työskenteli aiemmin Biowarella General Managerina, ja kertoi Games Industrylle Frostbiten kanssa työskentelystä verraten sitä F1-auton tekemiseen.

"We switched to an engine called Frostbite. And Frostbite is an EA internal engine; very powerful, fast, beautiful, purpose built to do some really cool stuff. But it's also extremely delicate and needs a huge crew. Incredible, impressive feats of technology, really at the bleeding edge of what's possible. But they require a huge crew of folks to maintain them and get that optimum performance out of them. And that really is the metaphor for at least the earliest days of Frostbite. My experience with it was very much like this: you could do amazing things, go very fast in some elements, but very delicate and very hard to manage."

"It was getting harder and harder to make the content that people wanted. It was harder and harder to move that content through these pipelines and do things. And even though we had more people -- we had more teams, more folks -- we were slowing down the rate at which we could build and craft these experiences."

Biowaren Mass Effect: Andromeda kärsi selvästi Frostbite-moottorin käyttöön pakottamisesta.

Entinen Bioware-pomo kertoo Frostbite-pelimoottorin ongelmista

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