Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Lucasfilm vastusti Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orderin lähtökohtaa

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order julkaistiin marraskuussa 2019, ja Gamereactorin arvion pääsee lukemaan täällä. Peli on ollut menestys. Nyt ohjaaja Stig Asmussen on kertonut AIAS Game Makerin podcastissa (josta raportoi Gamespot), että aluksi Lucasfilm ei pitänyt Jedi: Fallen Orderin lähtökohdasta. He olisivat halunneet pelin keskittyvän sädepyssyihin ja palkkionmetsästäjiin eivätkä valosapeleihin ja Voimaan.

"They weren't super comfortable with the idea. I pitched, 'Hey what if we do a game about Jedi and Force powers, and they were not super comfortable with that. They threw it back and said, 'What about blasters and bounty hunters?' That's not the background of the team we've built; you might as well ask me and us to start building a racing game at this point. I don't think anybody's going to be happy with the results of that."

"What I came to learn is for them, Jedi is the Holy Grail. To make a game about Jedi, you gotta earn it. There was a little bit of a back and forth but they could see where I was coming from."

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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