
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe lautapeliksi Kickstarterin avulla

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Wanhoina hyvinä aikoina se 1980-luvun animaatio He-Man and the Masters of the Universe oli NIIN kova juttu. Nyt sarja on tekemässä paluuta lautapelin muodossa. CMON on ilmoittanut saaneensa oikeudet He-Manin lautapeleihin. Ja juuri sen he aikovat totisesti tehdä. Rahankeräys alkaa Kickstarterissa ensi vuonna. Asiantilaa hehkutti CMONin Michael Shinall.

"Masters was a part of most of our childhoods. People of a certain age know all about it. Simply saying, 'I have the Power' is automatically said in one's mind a certain way because of it. Now, this game will bring an entirely new generation to Eternia and its many characters. Parents will be able to pass down their love for He-Man to their children, and that's amazing."

He-Man and the Masters of the Universen omistaa Mattel, jonka Chief Franchise Officer Janet Hsu on niin ikään tyytyväinen tehtyyn diiliin.

"As Mattel looks to unlock the power of its IP, partnering with CMON is the latest step to bring back one of the company's most famous contributions to pop-culture -- He-Man, Skeletor, and the Power of Grayskull from Masters of the Universe. This new game system will be sure to introduce fans to the most iconic characters through a fresh interpretation of Eternia as it has never been seen before."

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe lautapeliksi Kickstarterin avulla

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