
Xbox-pomon mukaan Xbox Series S kasvaa isoksi hitiksi ajan kanssa

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Microsoftin muuden sukupolven markkinoinnissa etusijan on saanut Xbox Series X, mutta sen rinnalla tulee olemaan myös kevennetty versio Xbox Series S. Xbox-pomo Phil Spencerin mukaan ajan kanssa myös Xbox Series S tulee kohoamaan hitiksi. Hänen mukaansa hinta ratkaisee. Asiasta kertoi Kotaku.

"I think we'll sell every unit of both of them that we can deliver. I think demand is just going to outstrip supply of pre-orders. For us and PlayStation, I think that the manufacturing supply chain is going to dictate [market] share more than anything else. I think, over the generation, our expectation would be that price really matters and that you would see the Series S sell more."

Xbox-pomon mukaan Xbox Series S kasvaa isoksi hitiksi ajan kanssa

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