The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Nintendo Switch, koronavirus ja Netflix saivat CD Projekt Redin kylpemään rahassa

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CD Projekt Red on laittanut huimasti rahaa kiinni Cyberpunk 2077 -pelin kehitykseen. Tämän ovat mahdollistaneet The Witcher 3: Wild Huntin taloon tuomat tuotot vuonna 2020.

Netflixin sarja kasvatti The Witcher -sarjan suosiota, koronaviruksen jylläys lisäsi kuluttajien videopelaamiseen käyttämää rahamäärää, ja kolmanneksi Nintendo Switchin The Witcher 3 on tuonut pätäkkää taloon.

"Answering about back catalog sales, I would say that the first and the second quarter were spectacularly strong, especially the time -- by the end of April, May. And I see three major reasons behind it. First of all, The Witcher franchise got more popular, thanks to The Witcher series release on Netflix. Secondly, we had the pandemic situation, which in general supports sales of video games. And that was one of the few forms of entertainment available to people being locked down at home. And thirdly, at the end of last year, we've dropped the Witcher 3 on Switch. That was a nice revenue driver for us and that performed really well comparing to the previous times."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Kiitokset, Seeking Alpha

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