
Xbox-pomo Phil Spencer ei edelleenkään ymmärrä Nintendo 64:n peliohjiamen ideaa

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Suoratoistopalvelu Crackle on julkaissut dokumenttinsa Nintendosta ja sen historiasta nimeltään Playing With Power: The Nintendo Story. Mukana on useita tunnettuja hahmoja, kuten Pohjois-Amerikan Nintendon entinen pomo Reggie Fils-Aime, Atarin perustaja Nolan Bushnell ja Xbox-pomo Phil Spencer.

Spencerin mukaan Nintendon työ perheystävällisen pelaamisen suhteen on ollut korvaamatonta.

"The role that Nintendo has played in making gaming a safe and inviting family experience, while also bringing core game experiences to their platform, I think has been foundational to the industry that we have today. I don't think you can decouple the video game industry from Nintendo, I think they're intrinsically tied."

Edelleen Spencerin mukaan Nintendon pelit ovat juuri niitä, joiden kautta monet videopelaajiksi muuntuvat.

"The thing that I look at is, how many people are coming into gaming because of their first experience on a Nintendo platform? I've always said that I think the health of Nintendo is something that we should cherish as an industry, and watching them grow and innovate is both great for us as an industry, but also inspiration for us at Xbox to do better."

Spencer antaa kiitosta Nintendon rohkeudelle kokeilla aina jotain aivan uutta käyttäen esimerkkinä Wiitä. Samanlaista munaa hänellä itsellään ei olisi ollut.

"I remember seeing it and I'll tell you, I could have never designed the Wii... I don't have that in me. I don't know if I'm not brave enough or whatever as a platform holder now to go and do something as just completely different, and to be just so all-in on a new paradigm was just amazing to see. It gave us a real jolt that we can't just be great at what others are doing, we have to have to some unique things that are important for our platform, and the Wii was just a perfect example of that."

Mutta Nintendo 64:n peliohjaimen ideaa Spencer ei vieläkään ymmärrä. Se kun on suunniteltu kolmikätiselle pelaajalle.

"I still don't understand the controller, just being honest. I guess it's multiple controllers in one, but you needed three hands to play that!"

Xbox-pomo Phil Spencer ei edelleenkään ymmärrä Nintendo 64:n peliohjiamen ideaa

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