
Kotimainen Returnal oli työn alla yli neljä vuotta

Gamereactorin Eirik pääsi haastattelemaan Housemarquen Mikael Haveria

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Kotimaisen Housemarquen Playstation 5 -yksinoikeus Returnal julkaistin huhtikuun lopussa, ja Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Gamereactorin Eirik pääsi haastattelemaan Mikael Haveria, jonka mukaan Returnal ehti olla työn alla yli neljä vuotta, eikä lopullinen alusta ollut alusta asti tiedossa.

"We do have about four years of development in it [Returnal], and some early concepting prior to that. We didn't announce anything until last year with the PlayStation 5 announcement, but yes - it has been four years plus some."

Peli muuttui odotetusti varsin paljon prosessin aikana, ja ajan kanssa PS5-potentiaali aukeni.

"We've been on the forefront of multiple console generations, so we are always aware of upcoming changes and everything. The game does change quite a bit during the early pre-production and the stages you start defining the sculpt, so in the early days it was a very different game. Little by little we started realising the potential for the PlayStation 5, and then we started getting in the specs and the ideas of what hardware we should aim for. It is a multi-year process because a lot of that information isn't one single dump, but we get it little-by-little information as we go. We were platform agnostic from the get-go, but the sculpt and everything scaled up quite a lot as we were able to prove ourselves."

Katso alta video, jossa Gamereactorin toimittajat keskustelevat kokemuksistaan Returnalin parissa.


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