Halo Infinite

Alkuperäisen Halon Marcus Lehto on vaikuttunut Halo Infinitesta

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* Pakollinen tieto

Kun Halo Infiniten pelattavuutta alun perin esiteltiin, herätti se suurta huolta pelaavassa kansassa. Lopulta koko pelin julkaisua lykättiin reilusti. Nyt sitten alkuperäisessä Halo: Combat Evolvedissa mukana ollut Marcus Lehto on kertonut Hidden Xperialle (josta raportoi Gamespot), että sittemmin Halo Infinite on ottanut vaikuttavia edistysaskeleita.

"I was pretty worried by what I saw last E3. I think the community in general was. But, you can clearly see that 343 listened to all of that feedback, and what they turned around for this year was impressive."

Halon nykysuunta on Lehdon mukaan muutenkin hyvä.

"Yes, I know a lot of the designs were from the Bungie era, but they're taking their own spin on it still. They're not just copying things verbatim. They're making it unique for Infinite, and it feels like it. It feels really good. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda jealous because I think it looks like one of the best Halos that has been created thus far."

Halo Infinite

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