
Käsikirjoittajan mukaan Jason Bourne innoitti Star Wars: Andoria

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Tony Gilroy on tulossa olevan Star Wars: Andor -sarjan käsikirjoittaja, ja hänen mukaansa Jason Bourne on toiminut kovasti innoittajana Andorin tyylille. Gilroy on niin ikään osallistunut useiden Star Wars -elokuvien käsikirjoittamiseen. Hän kommentoi asiaa SFX Magazinelle.

"With Bourne I had been trying to get people to make an acoustic action movie, because action movies had gotten so bombastic in the '80s, they were just enormous. So when Bourne came along, we went way down to nothing. It was about making it real. Keeping someone you really understand and really care about in a place that you understand the geography of, with stakes, is much more involving than a guy on a train with 15 machine guns and a helicopter coming down. That aesthetic, that idea, does carry over to Andor because we are on the ground with these people, so that everything that we do has an intimacy and an acoustic nature to it within the grandeur of Star Wars."

Merkkien mukaan tulossa on siis toiminnallista sarjaa yhden miehen armeijan ajatuksella. Niin ikään sisäisiä kamppailuja kuitenkin lupaillaan.

"Andor is an adventure story and it's one man's odyssey through the center of the story and then all these peripheral characters surrounding him and spinning around. I mean, god, it's looking to be entertaining. It's heavy material, heavy things are happening, but it's an adventure story, too."

Star Wars: Andor alkaa Disney+ -palvelussa 21. syyskuuta.

Käsikirjoittajan mukaan Jason Bourne innoitti Star Wars: Andoria

Kiitokset, Games Radar

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