
Vatikaanin pappi laittoi pystyyn oman Minecraft-palvelimen

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Rome Reports on paljastanut (ja asiasta kertoi VG247), että jesuiittapappi Robert Ballecer on laittanut pystyyn Vatikaanin Minecraft-palvelimen.

Palvelin on tällä hetkellä vielä testivaiheessa. Ballecer piti Twitterissä asiasta äänestyksen, ja Minecraft voitti ylivoimaisesti.

"It's not about the technology, it's not even really about the gaming. It's about getting people together who can then maybe move those relationships to the real world."

"At first, there were a lot of people who were very hesitant. Because you see this guy in a collar talking about the latest offerings from Google, or how you run fiber optics across the Atlantic. And they didn't understand, they said, 'Wait a minute, these two things don't go together.' But after a time, they realized, 'Okay, he knows what he's talking about, he just happens to be a priest.' And ultimately, that was the ministry I was trying to do."


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ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Tero Kerttula

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ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Mika Sorvari

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