Nintendo piti tänään maanantaina lyhyen Nintendo Direct Mini -lähetyksen, ja yksi selvinnyt uutinen oli se, että Cadence of Hyrule - Crypt of the NecroDancer Feat. The...
Gamereactorin avustaja Arttu Rajala otti arvionakikseen nimihirviön Cadence of Hyrule - Crypt of the NecroDancer Feat. The Legend of Zelda Nintendo Switchillä. Lue arvio...
Link ja Zelda liittyvät mukaan Crypt of the Necrodancer -menoon pelissä Cadence of Hyrule. Mukana ovat roguelike-lajityypille uskollisesti satunnaisesti muotoutuvat...
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28