League of Legends

Excel Esports rekrytoi Mikyxin LEC-joukkueeseen

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Lontoossa majaansa pitävä e-urheiluorganisaatio Excel Esports on ilmoittanut rekrytoineensa nelinkertaisen LEC-mestari Mihael 'Mikyx' Mehlen League of Legends European Championship -joukkueeseensa. Asiasta kerrottiin Twitterissä. Mikyx ottaa support-roolin syrjäyttäen näin Henk "Advienne" Reijengan paikaltaan. Diiliä hehkutti Excel Esportsin ohjaaja Tim Reichert.

"We have big ambitions for this year and making sure we have the best possible line-up of players who have synergy and work well together as a unit is a top priority. When the unique opportunity arose for Mikyx to join us here at EXCEL it was a decision we were ready to make. We have a long season ahead of us and it is important that we make decisions with one goal in mind, challenging the best of the best for a top three spot."

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