Ghost Gaming Europen Fortnite-ammattilainen Issa "Issa" Rahim on ilmoittanut eläköityvänsä kilpailullisesta Fortnitesta pitkäaikaisen käsivamman vuoksi. Asiasta julkaistiin tiedote TwitLongerissa.
"I don't know how to start this, but I'm quitting. As many of you know, I signed with an organisation and was going to try content creation but it just doesn't work with my hand... I've been going back and forth for a while and realised I need to either do it or quit. I appreciate every single one of you that supported me on my journey over the past 3 years and I'm very grateful for all of you. I had the best time of my life and became one of the best, which has always been my dream."
Käsivammat ovat e-urheilijoilla varsin tavallisia. Issa sai kylläkin oman vammansa auto-onnettomuudessa. Siitä huolimatta ura päättyy näin 19-vuotiaana.