
Fortnite-tähti FaZe Jarvis sai elinikäisen pelikiellon

Huijauskeinoja sisältäneet hupivideot koituivat Fortnite-uran kohtaloksi.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Fortnite-ammattilaisena tutuksi tulleen Jarvis "FaZe Jarvis" Kayen pelit ovat pelattu. Elektronisen urheilun tähti myönsi YouTube-videolla saaneensa elinikäisen bännin Epicin hittipeliin. Rangaistus on seurasta aiemmista videoista, joilla Kaye pelasi toisella tunnuksella käyttäen huijauskeinoja.

"I'm not sure how many of you know this, but I've actually been banned on Fortnite for life. Recently, I've posted some videos of me using aimbot in solos and playground mode. All I was thinking about while making those videos is how entertaining and, like interesting, these videos would be for you guys to watch. It didn't even cross my mind I could be banned for life from Fortnite for it."

Siinä missä avauskommentissaan FaZe Jarvis vetosi ajattelemattomuuteen, myöhemmässä twiitissään hän kertoo kantavansa hölmöilynsä seuraukset.

"I'm going to take accountability for my actions and I understand completely why this has happened, I just wish I had known how severe the consequences were at the time and I would have never thought about doing it. I love all of you who still support me, this is not the end."


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