Echo Foxin League of Legends -valmentaja Nick "Inero" Smith kertooTwitterissä väistyvänsä päävalmentajan tehtävistä sivuun, mutta pysyy joukkueessa kuitenkin niin kauan, että seuraajaksi valittu Thomas "Thinkcard" Slotkin saa pestin riittävän hyvin haltuunsa.
"I put in my two week's notice with Echo Fox this week and won't be on stage with the team this weekend. I'm really thankful for the times I've had with the players and staff that I've been able to work alongside for this past year," he wrote.
"I have an extreme amount of faith in this team's ability to make it to worlds and I'm looking forward to seeing them there. Out of respect for the players, I won't be looking to join an LCS team that will compete against them this split. Thanks to everyone for the support ❤️"
"I'll continue to be here for the next two weeks as Thomas transitions into the head coaching role, but I'll be moving onto my next opportunity after that."
Useissa vastauksissa kyseltiin, pysyykö Inero eSports-kuvioissa mukana. Inero vakuutti pysyttelevänsä kelkassa, jatkaessaan Riotin seikkailujen seuraamista Pohjois-Amerikan League of Legends -skenessä.