League of Legendsin World Championships on käynnissä. Blizzardin tekemän Hearthstone-pelaaja Ng 'Blitzchung' Wai Chungin hyllytys kuudeksi kuukaudeksi hänen poliittisen kantansa vuoksi on kuitenkin pakottanut Riot Gamesin selventämään kantansa politiikkaan.
Riot Gamesin Global Head of League of Legends Esports, John Needham, on antanut lausunnon, jonka mukaan tavoitteena on keskittyä itse asiaan eli otteluihin.
"We serve fans from many different countries and cultures, and we believe this opportunity comes with a responsibility to keep personal views on sensitive issues (political, religious, and otherwise) separate."
"These topics are often incredibly nuanced, require deep understanding and a willingness to listen, and cannot be fairly represented in the forum our broadcast provides. Therefore, we have reminded our casters and pro players to refrain from discussing any of these topics on air."