Alone in the Dark
KUUMAA NYT: Gamescom 2022 -sisältö

Alone in the Darkin uusintaversion tekijöillä aatoksena julkaista Gamescomin Grace in the Dark -demo kaikelle kansalle

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Alone in the Dark tehdään uusiksi, ja Gamescomin humussa pelattavissa oli tuore demo Grace in the Dark. Gamereactor pääsi haastattelemaan uuden pelin luovaa ohjaajaa Mikael Hedbergia. Hänen aiempia näyttöjään ovat muun muassa SOMA ja Amnesia.

Gamescomissa katseltiin jopa henkilöllisyyspapereita, sillä demo oli K16. Aikeissa olisi saattaa Grace in the Dark sitten joskus kaiken kansan kokeiltavaksi. Itse peli on vielä alfailuvaiheessa, joten julkaisun ajankohta ei ole tiedossa.

"They did a playable teaser back then in 1993 I think it is, when they released Alone in the Dark 2, and we figured, we'll, we're about to do a playable teaser because we didn't want to spoil the full game, we didn't want to cut a little piece out of it, so we wanted to do something else and then we thought, well, can we just sort of spoof the playable teaser that they did back like 30 years ago?"

"And yeah, it was actually pretty easy because the person that you play in that playable teaser, that was called Jack in the Dark, was a kid called Grace, and she appears in Alone in the Dark 2. And we had already brought Grace back into our game as a patient at Derceto. And so it was like yeah, this is easy, we can make her the protagonist, you can run around and be her for a while, and if you play, you get to see a little bit of Derceto, you kind of get the feeling, and the mood, and the sense of how the player will feel".

"I think it turned out pretty well, and what it is is just a prologue, so it isn't much of a spoiler that the full game starts out similarly to the original game, that Emily Hartwood gets a letter from Jeremy Hartwood or she gets sort of notified... Actually in the original game she didn't get notified that he has hung himself, but in our version he doesn't hang himself, he sends her a letter as a call for help, basically. And what we're doing as Grace is helping Jeremy Hartwood post this letter and it's a really short but sweet ride".

Alone in the Dark

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