Baldur's Gate III antaa pelaajille paljon mahdollisuuksia olla kanssakäymisessä erilaisten henkilöhahmojen kanssa. Ja kuten odotettuakin oli, romanttisia kontakteja voi luoda varsin vapaasti. Joidenkin yhdistelmien koodaaminen oli joidenkin pelinkehittäjien mielestä kuormittavaa.
PC Gamerille puhunut Larian Studiosin toimitusjohtaja Swen Vincke kertoi, ettei aina ollut koodaajilla kivaa.
"Internally in the studio there were some people who felt uncomfortable. We said, it's a mature game, right? We're going to treat it like what you would see on TV. A series I refer to often was American Gods, which I thought was really well done [in how] it treated mature themes and fantasy settings. You can do really crazy stuff and still relate to it. It was always tastefully done."
"I mean, the famous bear scene—it was really a squirrel that was not looking. The rest was the theatre of your mind. You filled that in, we didn't do that!"