World of Warcraft

Blizzard turvautuu kriisiratkaisuihin menetettyään niin paljon pelinkehittäjiä

World of Warcraftin kehittäjät jakoivat tuntemuksiaan Twitterissä.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Blizzard Entertainment on menettänyt viime vuosina runsaasti pelinkehittäjiään. Tämä on tietenkin vaikuttanut merkittävästi päivittäiseen työskentelyyn. Turhautumisensa on pukenut sanoiksi muun muassa World of Warcraftin tuottaja Adam "Glaxigrav" ja vanhempi pelisuunnittelija Allison Steele.

Asiaa ei ole auttanut sekään, että koronaviruksen jylläyksen helpotuttua henkilökuntaa on pakotettu palaamaan toimistolle töihin.

Adam "Glaxigrav": "Being loud about it because I've lost yet *another* person this week. Blizzard is losing amazing talent because someone in power doesn't listen to the game directors who make his products. DE&I also means diversity of thought, especially when it's backed by data and financials."

"I just want to make video games. I want to make amazing best sellers that are critically acclaimed. I want to make *better* Dragonflights. I want to make *better* experiences. Can't do that if we get rid of everyone who made it.

Last thought: "some talent" is undermining the point. We are creating crisis maps of what we can or cannot ship. THAT is the loss of capacity we're facing. I literally have a schedule I strike out as people hand in notice."

Allison Steele: "forced [return-to-office] has cost us some amazing people and will continue to cost us more in the coming months.

"it is a terrible, shortsighted, self-destructive policy that is only weakening our ability to deliver the kind of game we want to make and our players deserve."

World of Warcraft

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