Blue Protocol

Blue Protocolissa voi taidolla väistellä melkein kaikki iskut

Tulossa oleva roolipeli Gamescomin humussa.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Los Angelesissa Summer Game Festin humussa Gamereactor pääsi kokeilemaan peliä Blue Protocol. Moinen ei tietenkään riitä, ja Saksan Gamescomin humussa päästiin haastattelemaan Amazon Gamesin Mike Zadorojnia.

Itse peli julkaistaan vuoden 2024 aikana.

"The game itself kind of falls under three major pillars. I think the first one is aesthetics, the anime art style. But it also is really designed as a multiplayer game from the ground up, very collaborative game. So if you're fighting something in the open world I come join you, we both get loot, we both get experience, it's all designed that way so if you see another player, it's a positive enjoyment experience it's adding to your gameplay. And then the third one is the action combat where really skillful players will basically be able to dodge 90-100% of the damage that's incoming (...) And then finally, kind of the bonus thing is, it's about player choice from character customisation; the classes do not lock you into archetype roles, so the class is really about your combat style and then which skills you pick will determine are you more support-based, are you more damage-based, do you tank more... all that's up to the player's choice".

Blue Protocol

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