Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles sai julkaisupäivän PC:lle, PS4:lle ja Xbox Onelle

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Avoimen maailman selviytymispeli Conan Exiles poistuu lopultakin Early Access -tilasta 8. toukokuuta 2018.

PC-versio on jo nyt saatavilla Steamissa 30 euron hintaan, ja summa nousee 40 euroon toukokuussa 2018. Xbox One -version hinta on oleva 50 euroa, ja sama pätee PS4-versioon. Ennakkoon varaamalla mille tahansa alustalle saa mukaan Conanin Royal Armorin.

Fyysinen Day One Edition pakkaa mukaan Exiled Landsin kartan paperisena, ja peliin Conanin Atlantean Swordin. Collector's Editionin mukana tulee patsas, sarjakuva, kolme soundtrackia, taidekirja, maailmankartta ja joukko peliin avattavaa roinaa.

Katso trailerin alta tarkempi kuvaus Collector's Editionista englanniksi.


FIGURINE: 15 cm / 6 inch Conan the Barbarian polyresin figurine, modeled after Conan from the Conan Exiles cinematic trailer

CUSTOM COMIC BOOK: Full-color print comic book created in collaboration with Dark Horse Comics specifically for this game. The comic book tells the story of Conan on one of his adventures in the Exiled Lands.

SOUNDTRACKS: Three soundtracks featuring the music from Conan Exiles as well as the music from Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures and Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer.

ARTBOOK: Go behind the scenes and discover some of the incredible production artworks developers used to guide their vision for the game in this full-color, print artbook.

WORLD MAP: Full-color printed map of the world of Conan Exiles.

DIGITAL COMIC BOOKS: Code to unlock six full-color digital comic books from Dark Horse Comics, featuring the entire "A Witch Shall Be Born" story arc.

DIGITAL RPG BOOK: Code to unlock the 368 full-color digital rule book created by Modiphius for their Conan pen and paper role-playing game. Everything you need to play!

Conan Exiles

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Conan Exiles

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Ossi Mykkänen

Conan selviää ilman tätä peliä, mutta tämä peli ei ehkä selviä ilman Conania.

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