
Dave Bautista ei usko voivansa tehdä oikeutta Banelle

Näyttelijä ei varmaankaan tule olemaan Bane uuden polven DC Comicsin elokuvissa.

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Dave Bautistan aika Marvelin elokuvissa on päättymässä, sillä kolmannen Guardians of the Galaxy -elokuvan jälkeen vanha kaarti ei enää palaa rooleihinsa. Nörtteilevä kansa onkin nyt sitten miettinyt, nähdäänkö Bautistaa uuden polven DC Comicsin elokuvissa, joiden johdossa ovat James Gunn ja Peter Safran.

Insider haastatteli hiljan Bautistaa, joka aiemmin halusi olla Banen roolissa Batmanin isona pahiksena. Enää Bautista ei usko olevansa oikea valinta Baneksi.

"I have had conversations with James about that but I think the direction he's leaning in, completely rebooting that whole universe, he's starting from scratch and starting younger and fresher and I think you need to do that".

"I think for the DC Universe to be revived, you need to start from scratch, and I think you need to start with younger actors. You need to start to plan for the next 15 years, and I just don't think you can do that with me. And I understand that.

And, also, I have to say that I appreciate that because I don't want to play a character that I can't bring justice to it. I don't think at this point in my career that I can bring justice to Bane anymore. I just don't know if I could handle the physical part, and I don't think I would have the longevity to plan ahead for films. So, I just don't know if I'd be that guy."

Dave Bautista ei usko voivansa tehdä oikeutta Banelle

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