Dead Space

Dead Spacen palkinnot julki

Koko lista trophyista ja achievementeista

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* Pakollinen tieto

Electronic Arts on julkistanut ensimmäisen kerran täydellisen listan peliin sisällytetyistä saavutuksista. Kunnian sai kauhuseikkailupeli Dead Space. Listoja ei kannata tutkia liian tarkkaan, ellei halua vihiä pelin juonesta!
Ensimmäinen lista on Xbox 360 -version achievementeista. Saavutuksen perässä oleva numero kertoo palkkion gamerscore-arvon:

Dead on Arrival - Complete Chapter 1 20
Lab Rat - Complete Chapter 2 20
All Systems Go - Complete Chapter 3 20
Cannon Fodder - Complete Chapter 4 20
True Believer -Complete Chapter 5 20
Greenhouse Effect - Complete Chapter 6 20
S.O.S. - Complete Chapter 7 20
Strange Transmissions - Complete Chapter 8 20
Wreckage - Complete Chapter 9 20
Keeper of the Faith - Complete Chapter 10 20
Betrayed - Complete Chapter 11 20
Exodus - Complete Chapter 12 20
Epic Tier 3 Engineer - Complete the game on the hard 150
Survivor - Complete the game 50
Brute Force - SECRET 15
Exterminator - SECRET 15
Get off my ship! - SECRET 15
Mindless Prey - SECRET 30
Pack Rat - Store 25 Items in Safe 10
Story Teller - Collect 75 Logs 20
Legend Teller - Collect 150 Logs 40
Full Arsenal - Own every Weapon in the game 30
Z-Baller - Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball 5
Merchant - Collect 5 schematics 10
Armstrong - TK shoot 50 objects 10
Playing Catch - SECRET 10
Kickin it - SECRET 10
Marksman - Dismember 5 Limbs 5
Surgeon - Dismember 500 Limbs 20
Butcher - Dismember 1000 Limbs 40
Freeze - Use Stasis on 50 Enemies 15
Crackshot - Achieve a perfect score in the Shooting Gallery 5
Don't get cocky, kid - SECRET 10
Air Alert - Zero-G Jump over 100 times 10
One Gun - Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter 40
Brawler - Kill at least 30 enemies with a melee attack 10
Maxed Out - Upgrade all weapons and equipment 75
Ragdoll Check - Force an enemy into a gravity panel 5 times 5
Big Spender - Spend 300,000 credits at the store 10
Slugger - SECRET 10
Full Contact - Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam 10
A Cut Above - Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper 10
Tool Time - Kill 30 enemies with the Plasma Cutter 10
Pusher - Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun 10
Live With The Hot Ones - Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower 10
Autofire - Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle 10
Eviscerator - Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun 10
There's Always Peng - Find the Peng Treasure 15

Seuraava lista on Playstation 3 -version trophyista eli pokaaleista:

Dead on Arrival - Complete Chapter 1 Bronze 15
Lab Rat - Complete Chapter 2 Bronze 15
All Systems Go - Complete Chapter 3 Bronze 15
Cannon Fodder - Complete Chapter 4 Bronze 15
True Believer - Complete Chapter 5 Bronze 15
Greenhouse Effect - Complete Chapter 6 Bronze 15
S.O.S. - Complete Chapter 7 Bronze 15
Strange Transmissions - Complete Chapter 8 Bronze 15
Wreckage - Complete Chapter 9 Bronze 15
Keeper of the Faith - Complete Chapter 10 Bronze 15
Betrayed - Complete Chapter 11 Bronze 15
Exodus - Complete Chapter 12 Bronze 15
Epic Tier 3 Engineer - Complete the game on hard Gold 90
Survivor - Complete the game Silver 30
Brute Force - SECRET Bronze 15
Exterminator - SECRET Bronze 15
Get off my ship! - SECRET Bronze 15
Mindless Prey - SECRET Bronze 15
Pack Rat - Store 25 Items in Safe Bronze 15
Story Teller - Collect 75 Logs Bronze 15
Legend Teller - Collect 150 Logs Silver 30
Full Arsenal - Own every Weapon in the game Silver 30
Z-Baller - Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball Bronze 15
Merchant - Collect 5 schematics Bronze 15
Armstrong - TK shoot 50 objects Bronze 15
Playing Catch - SECRET Bronze 15
Kickin it - SECRET Bronze 15
Marksman - Dismember 5 Limbs Bronze 15
Surgeon - Dismember 500 Limbs Bronze 15
Butcher - Dismember 1000 Limbs Silver 30
Freeze - Use Stasis on 50 Enemies Bronze 15
Crackshot - a perfect score in the Shooting Gallery Bronze 15
Don't get cocky, kid - SECRET Bronze 15
Air Alert - Zero-G Jump over 100 times Bronze 15
One Gun - Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter Gold 90
Brawler - Kill at least 30 enemies with a melee attack Bronze 15
Maxed Out - Upgrade all weapons and equipment Gold 90
Ragdoll Check - Force an enemy into a gravity panel 5 times Bronze 15
Big Spender - Spend 300,000 credits at the store Bronze 15
Slugger - SECRET Bronze 15
Full Contact - Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam Bronze 15
A Cut Above - Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper Bronze 15
Tool Time - Kill 30 enemies with the Plasma Cutter Bronze 15
Pusher - Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun Bronze 15
Live With The Hot Ones - Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower Bronze 15
Autofire - Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle Bronze 15
Eviscerator - Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun Bronze 15
There's Always Peng - Find the Peng Treasure Bronze 15
Concordance Officer - Collect all Trophies Platinum 0

Aiheeseen liittyviä tekstejä

Dead SpaceScore

Dead Space

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Heikki Takala

Avaruus tarjoaa paljon ihmeteltävää. Kuten sapelikätisiä mutanttihirviöitä, jotka haluavat repiä pelaajan pään irti. Juokse jo!

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