Star Wars -sarja Obi-Wan Kenobin oli tarkoitus olla minisarja, jonka ei ollut tarkoitus saada jatkoa ensimmäiselle kaudelleen. Nyt kuitenkin poristaan siitä, olisiko jatkoa sittenkin tulossa.
The Hollywood Reporterille puhunut Deborah Chow kertoi, että pääosassa nähtävä Ewan McGregor on jo kertonut ideoistaan toiselle kaudelle.
Saa nähdä, tuleeko sitä jatkoa joskus.
"You always think you're going to end a series like this in some magnificent way, but instead you end up in a parking lot with second unit and hardly anybody there. It's always so anticlimactic, but as Ewan and I finished our very last shot on second unit and I was literally taking off my headphones, he was already pitching me ideas for season two."
"There's another 10 years with plenty of stories, and I don't think it's off the board. It is a "never say never" situation, but we really did conceive this to be a limited series."