Onko Halo 5: Guardiansin kavereiden kanssa pelattava kampanja mielestäsi liian vaikea? Jos vastasit kyllä, niin et ole yksin. 343 Industries on näet juuri kertonut, että he aikovat rukata sen vaikeutta pelin seuraavassa päivityksessä toukokuussa. Sitä säädetään tuolloin helpommaksi. Yksinpelin läpäisseille konkareille puolestaan on tiedossa entistäkin haastavampi uusi vaikeustaso.
Pelin suunnittelijana toimiva Chris Proctor kertoo Halon blogissa, että hänellä on nyt muutaman kuukauden ajalta erilaista materiaalia päätöstensä tueksi. Hän on seurannut pelaajien palautteita, lukenut arvioita, katsonut pelivideoita ja keskustellut asioista yhtiön sisällä. Niinpä he haluavat nyt muuttaa asioita, joista pelaajat ovat valittaneet ja jotka ovat toisaalta vaivanneet heitä itseään. He haluavat tasoittaa pelin vaikeustasoa niin, ettei siinä nähdä liian helppoja osioita tai odottamattomia piikkejä vaikeudessa.
Kuvan alta voit nähdä englanninkielisen listan peliin tulevista muutoksista.

Please note that enemy-specific changes will also apply to Warzone AI. the Warzone team has been playtesting these adjustments, and we'll be keeping a close eye on all feedback, (especially as it pertains to Warzone Firefight difficulty).
- Reduced two-player difficulty slightly
- Increased single player difficulty slightly
- Made Warden attacks a little easier to dodge, particularly on lower difficulties
- Face Beam tracks moving targets less accurately
- Gravity Bomb has less homing
- Melee attack has slightly less range
- Made the Warden slightly easier to kill from the front
- Reduced AI Focus Turret damage output
- Reduced AI Storm Rifle, Suppressor and Light Rifle effectiveness
- AI Storm Rifle: fires in shorter bursts, projectiles spread out more and move more slowly. Jackals are now less effective than Elites with the Storm Rifle
-AI Suppressor: fires in longer bursts, projectiles have less homing. Crawlers are now less effective than Soldiers with the Suppressor
- AI now fire shorter bursts with the Light Rifle
- Increased AI Plasma Pistol, Needler and Beam Rifle effectiveness
- AI Plasma Pistol: slightly higher accuracy and damage
- AI Needler: AI now fire longer bursts (i.e. can now supercombine players on Heroic and above), slightly higher damage
- AI Beam Rifle: slightly more damage (mostly this will make it a two-shot kill instead of a three-shot kill in Heroic single player, allowing Jackal Snipers to actually kill a player from time to time)
- Added a "tackle" animation to Sword Elites - shoutout to Pat Gillette for making the sweet sword tackle animation
- Instead of stopping to swing at a moving target they can swing on the move
- Increased Elite, Elite Officer and Soldier Officer durability
- Reduced Soldier bamf frequency
- Killing a Crawler now deals area-of-effect damage to all nearby enemies, softening them up or killing them outright
- Reduced frequency of Squad AI getting killed while in a gunner's turret in a player's vehicle
- Made being killed by an attached Plasma Grenade non-revivable, similar to lethal damage from a Binary Rifle
- Increased AI special ability chance with higher player count in co-op games, e.g. Plasma Pistol overcharge, grenade throw
- Increased AI promotion chance with player count in co-op games
- i.e. in cooperative games you will encounter more high-ranked enemies where promotion paths exist (most noticeable with Grunts, Elites, Jackals and Crawlers)
- The first player to press the "Call for Help" now has priority, other players will have to wait their turn for a revive - shoutout to Mr. Robert Kingsley for the code fix for this