House of the Dragon

HBO aikoo tehdä vähintään neljän kauden verran sarjaa House of the Dragon

Game of Thronesin sivuaskelsarjalla on siis aikaa kehittyä.

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HBO Maxin sarja House of the Dragon on ollut iso menestys. Toinen kausi on jo tulossa. Nyt sitten studion pomo ("Head of Drama") Francesca Orsi on kertonut Deadlinelle, että House of the Dragoniin on tulossa ainakin neljä kautta. Enemmänkin on tietysti mahdollista.

"It hasn't been finalized yet, it's still under discussion. George and Ryan are going to meet after the writers strike. They had originally planned to meet before the strike took place and that was to figure out at what point the series itself was going to end. Is it four seasons? I don't think from where I sit at this point will be any less than four. But could be more. We'll see."

Game of Thronesista on työn alla lukuisia sivuaskelsarjoja, joista yksi sijoittuu aikaan jälkeen pääsarjan.

House of the Dragon

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