Elden Ring

Hidetaka Miyazaki ei pane pahakseen, jos pelaajat käyttävät kavereita apunaan Elden Ringissä

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* Pakollinen tieto

Elden Ringissa se kavereiden kanssa pelattava perinteinen co-op on tehty tavallista vaikeammaksi. Se sellainen perinteinen kaverin kanssa samoissa maisemissa samoilu ei nimittäin onnistu ongelmitta. Modaajat ovat kuitenkin tehneet homman niin, että co-op onnistuu perinteisen mahtavin elkein.

PC Gamerille puhunut Elden Ringin ohjaaja Hidetaka Miyazaki teki selväksi, ettei From Software vastusta moista modia lainkaan. Itse asiassa tulevaisuudessa se perinteinen co-op saatetaan laittaa mukaan From Softwaren peleihin.

"It's definitely not something we actively oppose or want to downplay, wanting to go through the whole game together," he said. "In terms of where we were with Elden Ring, it was simply a case of wanting that more loose, casual style—drop in, defeat a boss, drop out. It doesn't put any technical restrictions on the player, it just sort of lets them complete this focus and then move on, so to speak."

"That's not to say we won't consider other ways like you and your friend played, from beginning to end, total co-op. That's not to say we won't consider ideas like that with our future games."

Elden Ring

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