Indiana Jones and the Great Circle oli vahvasti esillä Gamescomin Opening Night Live -lähetyksen humussa. Mielenkiintoista on monen muun asian ohella se, että innoittajana on toiminut Starbreeze Studiosin Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay vuodelta 2004.
Ohjaaja Jerk Gustafsson muistaa sen, että Riddick pystyi lähestymään edessä olevaa haastetta monella eri tavalla mukaan lukien hiiviskely ja ruumiiden piilottaminen.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on tulossa PC:lle ja Xboxille vuoden 2024 aikana, ja huhujen mukaan vuonna 2025 Playstationille.
"When designing this game, I think we have been even going back a little bit into the history of our own. So we have this game, yes, in first person is the primary perspective that you play in. But we do combine this also with third person. So very similar to what we did back in the days with the Riddick games and The Darkness game and also similar to those games, you know, which were the first game we did that really put a lot of focus on character building and the story combined with a lot of variation in gameplay. And that is something that we push really hard here. We want the player to really feel that they can, you know, take on different obstacles or challenges in many different ways. And stealth is definitely part of that."