Marvel's Wolverine

Insomniac Games julkaisi tiedotteen hakkerointinsa jälkilöylyissä

Marvel's Wolverinea ei esitellä ennen kuin aika on.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Insomniac Games joutui mittavan hakkeroinnin kohteeksi, ja kun vaadittuja lunnaita ei maksettu, vuodettiin kaikki verkkoon. Mukana oli paljon asiaa Marvel's Wolverinesta, muiden pelien julkaisuaikatauluja, työntekijöiden henkilötietoja ja niin edelleen. Nyt Insomniac Games on julkaissut asiasta tiedotteen.

Odotetusti hakkerointi on ollut paha isku, mutta Marvel's Wolverinen kehitys jatkuu suunnitelman mukaan.

"Thank you for the outpouring of compassion and unwavering support. It's deeply appreciated.

We're both saddened and angered about the recent criminal cyberattack on our studio and the emotional toll it's taken on our dev team. We have focused inwardly for the last several days to support each other.

We are aware that the stolen data includes personal information belonging to our employees, former employees, and independent contractors. It also includes early development details about Marvel's Wolverine for PlayStation 5. We continue working quickly to determine what data was impacted.

This experience has been extremely distressing for us. We want everyone to enjoy the games we develop as intended and as our players deserve.

However, like Logan, Insomniac is resilient. Marvel's Wolverine continues as planned. The game is in early production and will no doubt greatly evolve throughout development, as do all our plans.

While we appreciate everyone's enthusiasm, we will share official information about Marvel's Wolverine when the time is right. On behalf of everyone at Insomniac, thank you for your ongoing support during this challenging time."

Marvel's Wolverine

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