Red Dead Redemption

Jack Blackin mukaan Rockstarin tulisi tehdä elokuva Red Dead Redemption

Tarina kun on yhtä hyvä tai parempikin kuin The Last of Us.

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* Pakollinen tieto

Näyttelijä Jack Black on paljastanut, että haluaisi nähdä Red Dead Redemptionin elokuvana, koska tarina on yhtä hyvä tai parempi kuin The Last of Usissa. Black ylisti The Last of Us -sarjaa BBC:lle.

"The Last of Us was fantastic. And what's crazy is how loyal it is to the original source material. It's basically all from the game with just a couple of tweaks. It's going to win all the awards. They used the video game almost like a storyboard and I was like, 'Whoa, this looks just the same.'"

"There are some great games that have yet to be explored in television or film. Maybe there's going to be a Red Dead Redemption movie? There should be, because I think that [has] just as good or [an] even better story than The Last of Us."

Red Dead Redemption

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