Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes lainaa ideoita Star Warsilta

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Uudemman polven Apinoiden planeetta -kolmikko saatiin päätökseen hyvän aikaa sitten. Luvassa on seuraavaksi Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, joka saadaan katsottavaksi 24. toukokuuta 2024.

Empirelle puhunut ohjaaja Wes Ball haluaa tehdä uuden elokuvan tunnelman kepeämmäksi kuin mihin aiemmassa kolmessa elokuvassa päädyttiin. Innoitusta olisi haettu muun muassa Star Warsilta.

"When I first started on it, I said, 'I feel like Apes needs a little bit of Star Wars. It's all still very grounded in reality, but it is essentially a quest narrative. Our main character - the young, impressionable Noa - meets characters along the way and becomes awakened as he winds up in a place that will test him, and he ultimately becomes his true self. We haven't kiddified it, or Disneyfied it, if I'm allowed to say that! But we have brought a younger spirit to it."

Lisäksi uusi elokuva sijoittuu kokonaan uuteen aikakauteen verrattuna aiempiin elokuviin.

"I wanted to do a big leap forward in time. It's significant enough that Caesar is still a spirit in the movie, but most of his living relatives are not in this picture. If the last three movies were the Stone Age, here we get to see what happens when they enter the Bronze Age."

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Kiitokset, Empire

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