Gamereactor pelasi taannoin kahden tunnin ajan pinkin pallon uusinta peliä Kirby Star Allies Nintendo Switchillä. Sophian menon pääsee katsastamaan alla olevasta...
Tänään GR Livessä pelataan kahden tunnin ajan Nintendo Switchin uutukaista söpöilyä Kirby Star Allies. Gamereactorin arvion pelistä voi lukea täällä. Liity mukaan...
Kirby Star Allies julkaistaan Nintendo Switchille 16. maaliskuuta. Gamereactor on jo nyt tallentanut videota siitä, mitä tuleman pitää. Katso tallenteet alta. Donut...
Nintendon hurmaava pinkki pallo Kirby saapuu Nintendo Switchille 16. maaliskuuta. Iso N on nyt julkaissut 12-minuuttisen videon, jolla esitellään tulevan pelin...
Tasoloikkapeli Kirby Star Allies julkaistaan Nintendo Switchille 16. maaliskuuta. Tapauksen kunniaksi on nyt jo ennakkoon varattavissa varsin uhkea ja giganttinen Kirby...
Kirby Star Allies julkistettiin kesällä E3-messuilla, ja Nintendo on paljastanut hieman lisätietoa taannoisessa Nintendo Direct -lähetyksessään. Peliä kehittää Hal...
Nintendo esitteli trailerin voimin E3-tilaisuudessaan selvästikin maksimissaan neljän kesken moninpelattavaa Kirby-peliä, joka on määrä julkaista Switchille vuonna 2018....
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28