Kotimainen menestyspeli päivittyi, lopultakin linjoilla on se yksi toivottu ominaisuus
Bugien korjailun ohella Alan Wake 2:ssa voi lopultakin keskeyttää aseen lataamisen animaation.
Alan Wake 2 on saanut linjoille sen laajennuksensa The Lake House, ja näin ollen kotimainen Remedy alkanee hiljakseen siirtää voimavaroja muun muassa Control 2:n kehitykseen. Kuitenkin Alan Wake 2:ssa on edelleen hiomisen varaa.
Uusi päivitys korjaa bugien ohella muutakin, sillä mukana on niin sanottuja elämää helpottavia parannuksia. Tarkemmin sanoen aseen lataamisen animaation voi keskeyttää.
Katso kuvan alta, mitä korjattu on. Odotetusti suurin osa korjailuista koskee The Lake House -laajennusta.
Fixed an issue where the player was not able to shoot after a partial weapon reload
Fixed an issue where the DualSense adaptive triggers kept on rumbling and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time
The Lake House Fixes and Improvements
Sent in some additional resource boxes that appear right before the final boss fight, as they should in video games. Stock up!
Fixed an issue where the opening cinematic of The Lake House was playing at the wrong time
Fixed some shadow banding on the final The Lake House cinematic
Fixed a rare case where the player would get stuck in the elevator when returning to Sublevel 1. While this is a realistic issue even for the FBC, this has now been deemed not a great idea for the game experience
Added some "missing" paint onto the walls of Sublevel 4, so it no longer seems the Painted attack out of a regular grey wall. (also known as the "good thinking" fix)
Fixed the Portuguese translation for the hint for the second computer puzzle, which gave the player the wrong information.