
Lautapeli Terraforming Mars muuntuu elokuvaksi

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Cobalt Knight on napannut oikeudet tuottaa joko TV-sarjaksi tai elokuvaksi lautapeli Terraforming Mars. Firman perustajat ovat luonnollisesti innoissaan siitä, mitä tulossa on.

"The Terraforming Mars world offers incredible storytelling potential. We are excited to explore the unique human drama that inherently comes along with running a company tasked with literally creating oceans, building prosperous cities, and balancing the ecology of plant and animal life."

"In many ways, the game exhibits strong parallels to the Age of Discovery when European superpowers were sailing around the globe trying to lay claim to everything they touched. This makes it the perfect choice for adaptation, using a distinct and hyperrealistic setting to revisit a familiar narrative conflict."

Terraforming Mars -pelin yksi tekijä Enoch Fryxelius on hänkin kovin iloinen.

"Jacob and the rest of us brothers have invested many years in Terraforming Mars. It's much more than just another sci-fi board game - it's a vision of a possible and positive future for humanity not so far down the road. It's based on real science ideas and ideas borrowed from science fiction. This could be us in 200 years. We are so excited to see this vision come to life on the screen. We hope this will expand the TM community even further. And we hope that more people will be gripped by the vision of a new home for humanity on Mars."

Saapa nähdä, miten homma lopulta etenee.

Lautapeli Terraforming Mars muuntuu elokuvaksi

Kiitokset, Deadline

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