Lost in Random

Lost in Randomin saavutukset paljastuivat

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* Pakollinen tieto

Zoink Gamesin Lost in Random julkaistaan 10. syyskuuta PC:lle, Playstationille, Xboxille ja Nintendo Switchille. Nyt on annettu maailmalle pelin saavutukset, joita on avattavaksi kaikkiaan 40 kappaletta. Suurin osa tuntuu aukeavan ihan vain normaalisti pelaamalla. Joukossa on kuitenkin muutama erillinen haaste, kuten The Menace (Shoot 50 pots) ja Card Collector (Buy all the cards Mannie Dex has to offer).

Katso saavutuksien lista alta englanniksi täällä Gamereactorissa. Katso lisätietoa täältä.

Name - Description - (Gamerscore)

Lost In Random - Complete the Game. - (100)
Checkmate - Win your first board game. - (30)
En Garde! - Go unscathed for 5 minutes in battle. - (30)
Resourceful - Complete a battle without using any weapon cards. - (30)
Card Collector - Buy all the cards Mannie Dex has to offer. - (30)
Dice and Slice - Defeat 3 of the Queen's minions using the same Dice Slice. - (30)
The Menace - Shoot 50 pots. - (30)
Go Fetch! - Open your first dice door. - (15)
Knock Knock - Go home and knock. - (40)
Third Time's a Charm - Try to open the gate to Threedom prematurely. - (30)
All In - Play 8 cards in the same round. - (15)
Bombastic - Defeat 3 of the Queen's minions using one bomb. - (15)
Once Upon a Time - Collect all of the lost storybook pages. - (30)
Ghost Story - Help the lost girl in Threedom. - (15)
Gazoo, Gazaak! - Win a game of Gazoo, Gazaak! - (15)
Bern, Baby, Bern - Help Bernie find his way over Talkie Walkie. - (15)
Closure - Find and defeat the Shadowman once and for all. - (15)
Happy Birthday - Finish the introduction. - (15)
Runaway - Stow away on the boat. - (15)
You're a Dice Wielder, Even - Get your own personal dice. - (15)
Whisked Away - Return to Random. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
One Way Ticket To Sixtopia - Sneak aboard the spider gondola. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Without a Trace - Meet the Witch of the Valley. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Down the Rabbit Hole - Receive your dream card. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Not Over Until the Nanny Sings - Fight the Nanny. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Secret Achievement - Continue playing to unlock this achievement. - (15)
Dockworker - Solve the puzzle in Onecroft. - (30)
Bridger - Solve the tower puzzle in Two-Town. - (30)
Upside Downtowner - Solve the puzzle in the Upside Downtown. - (30)
Sharpshooter - Solve the puzzle in Threedom. - (30)
Catapult Slinger - Solve the puzzle in Fourburg. - (30)
Tinkerer - Solved the puzzle in Fivetropolis. - (30)
Master Puzzler - Solve all of the puzzles. - (95)

Lost in Random

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Lost in RandomScore

Lost in Random

ARVIO. Kirjoittaja Onni Ratala

Lupaavasti alkava synkkä satu levähtää kohtuulliseksi sillisalaatiksi, joka yrittää turhan paljon sopia kaikille.

Gamereactorin videoarviossa Lost in Random

Gamereactorin videoarviossa Lost in Random

UUTINEN. Kirjoittaja Markus Hirsilä

Tänään perjantaina 10. syyskuuta julkaistaan erilainen satunnaisuuteen luottava indiepeli Lost in Random, jonka Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Aina ei kuitenkaan...

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