Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

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Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope julkaistaan Nintendo Switchille 20. lokakuuta 2022, ja kyseessä on tiukasti yksinpeliksi muovattu kokonaisuus. Toisin sanoen haaveet kavereiden kanssa koettavasta co-op-menosta saa unohtaa. Näin painotti tuottaja Xavier Manzanares haastattelussa.

"We decided in the middle of production to focus on the solo experience. Because, actually as we brought many things from the original concept, we started to see how many elements it brought to the table, and to balance that, this revamped system, we wanted to focus our attention on the solo aspect. So, it was really important for us and we decided to assume that the decision, in order to scope out dangers, where we could go many directions, but then it's unbalanced everywhere and it's a game that never ships. So, it was a decision we took during production."

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

Kiitokset, Screen Rant

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