Need for Speed Payback

Need for Speed: Payback saa heti päivityksen

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Muutaman päivän kuluttua eli 10. marraskuuta Electronic Arts ja ruotsalainen Ghost Games julkaisevat ajopelin Need for Speed Payback.

Jo valitettavalla tavalla vakiintuneeseen malliin peliin on tulossa heti kättelyssä niin sanottu ensimmäisen päivän päivitys.

Lue lista kuvan alta englanniksi. Lisää voi lukea täältä.

Need for Speed Payback

• Improved game performance during the event 'Solar Sprint'

• The event 'Aki kimura: The Drift King' will no longer sometimes cause a game crash

• The 'Silver Canyon Getaway' event will no longer cause a crash after the first spike strip

• Improved performance within Ranked Speedlist

• Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur during initial loading

• The game will no longer sometimes crash during the purchase of Shipments on a non-English language

• Repeating the event 'Drifting the Block' several times will no longer cause the game to crash

• Fixed a crash that occurred after the race between Mac and Jess to the airfield

• The game will no longer hang on a black screen at the start of the third section of the 'Convoy' mission

• While playing through 'The Highway Heist' mission, the game will no longer hang after the 'Get to the Rendezvous' section

• All checkpoints during the event 'Safety Last' will now award bonus time

• Improved cop AI within the 'Failed Heist' mission

Need for Speed Payback
Need for Speed Payback
Need for Speed Payback

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