Need for Speed Unbound

Need for Speed Unbound kurvailee tasolla 4K ja 60 fps

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Need for Speed Unbound julkaistaan 2. joulukuuta 2022, ja nyt on saatu tietää se, millaisissa lukemissa ajelua harrastellaan.

IGN osaa kertoa ohjaaja Kieran Crimminsin sanoneen pelin rullaavan tasolla 4K ja 60 fps. Sen ohella pelin tarina pitäisi olla rakenteeltaan erilainen kuin aiemmin.

"Two friends are torn apart by a robbery at a family auto shop, leaving the player to try and reclaim a priceless car by winning the "ultimate street race. Every single one of those characters, we've actually made them full characters this time. They've got little story arcs, they've got personalities, they've got their own car customization and style and you can see them driving around."

Need for Speed Unbound

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