New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe oli Wii U -pelin uusintajulkaisu Nintendo Switchille. Kaksiulotteinen tasoloikkailu myi kuitenkin hyvin, joten kansa edelleenkin haluaa...
Brittien pelimyyntien listan kärjessä ei tällä viikolla muutoksia nähdä, sillä New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe jatkaa ykköspallilla. Niskaan hengittää uusi julkaisu Ace...
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe julkaistiin Nintendo Switchille 11. tammikuuta, ja tietenkin sitä kokeiltiin muutaman tunnin ajan myös GR Livessä. Katso tallenne alta...
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe julkaistiin viime viikolla Nintendo Switchille, ja Gamereactorin arvion voi lukea täältä. Games Industryn mukaan peli vetoaa britteihin,...
Tänään uusi viikko potkaistaan GR Livessä käyntiin pelaamalla Nintendo Switchille uudelleen julkaistua peliä New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe. Gamereactorin arvion pelistä...
Nintendo julkaisi joulupäivänä uuden trailerin 11. tammikuuta 2019 julkaistavasta Switch-pelistä New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. Kyseessä on tietenkin aikoinaan Wii U:lle...
Nintendo Switchille julkaistujen Wii U -pelien lista alkaa olla jo aika mittava, ja uuttakin on tulossa. New Super Mario Bros. U julkaistaan Switchille 11. tammikuuta...
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28