Jokin aika sitten uutisoitiin, ettei Pedro Pascal pukenut lainkaan haarniskaa ylleen Star Wars: The Mandalorianin kolmannella kaudella. Henkilöhahmo muutenkin antaa jatkossa tilaa muille, mikä johtunee osittain Pedro Pascalin muiden projektien vaatimasta huomiosta.
Jatkossa The Mandalorian keskittyy enemmän Mandalorin kansaan Pascalin esittämän yhden henkilöhahmon sijasta. Ja se sopii Pascalille itselleen. Varietyn haastattelussa Pascal sanoo olevansa mielissään Bo-Katan Kryzen (Katee Sackhoff) nostamisesta keskiöön.
"I think [the heavy focus on Bo-Katan] was great in that it also brings into full realization a beloved character that is from the world of Dave Filoni. Everyone gets to experience the excitement of [Bo-Katan] being introduced. And she's a badass and it's perfect casting. And I am a big Battlestar Galactica fanboy. I just think it was perfect that we get to meet and see the character, and she gets to do cool shit in the second season. And then, she gets to take centre stage in the third. It's what I would want for the character and as a fan of The Clone Wars."