Prison Architect

Prison Architect saapuu viimein konsoleille tänä keväänä

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* Pakollinen tieto

Double Eleven ja Introversion Software paljastivat tällä viikolla ilouutisen revealed Prison Architectia konsoleille odottaville. Yhtiöt ilmoittivat eilen illalla, että PC:llä viime vuonna menestystä niittänyt vankilanrakennussimulaattori ilmestyy Xbox Onelle, Xbox 360:lle ja Playstation 4:lle kevään aikana. Hinnaksi ilmoitettiin noin 30 dollaria.

Prison ArchitectPrison Architect
"The new console editions will host a variety of exclusive features and have been tailored to each platform's unique controller style. Unique to the coming Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 editions of Prison Architect is the Prison Warden Mode, which allows players to jump in and take control of one of several pre-built prisons right away to get into the action faster. Also new to the console editions is the World of Wardens, a feature that grants you the ability to share your prisons online and try your hand at governing prisons that others have uploaded."

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