Instagramissa Irina Meier on näyttänyt, miltä Horizon-sarjan Aloy voisi näyttää oikeassa elämässä. Jälki on kieltämättä vakuuttavaa.
Katso siis kuvia alta täällä Gamereactorissa.
"I recently had a chance to bring this character in life at the Rocky Mountains and Arches National parks - the exact locations from the video game. The red rocks, natural aches and stunning mountains of the US provided the perfect background for this photoshoot. The result is exactly as I was imagined it to be for months before the trip! Not gonna lie, it was one of the most challenging photoshoots of my life! First of all, my beautiful bow was broken during transportation. I managed to fix it somehow... but it broke in the middle of the photoshoot. But you know what, I may have had a broken bow, but my spirit was not broken..."