Disney puuhaa uutta ihmisten näyttelemää versiota Lumikista. Elokuva on jo nyt viihtynyt otsikoissa, sillä sen on luvattu laittavan perinteitä uusiksi. Pääosassa nähdään Rachel Zegler, joka on tehnyt selväksi, että hänen Lumikkinsa on toista maata kuin siinä alkuperäisessä animaatiossa. Colliderille Zegler kuvaa Lumikkiaan kokeneeksi ja vahvaksi johtajaksi.
Uutta Lumikkia päästään näillä näkymin katselemaan 21. maaliskuuta 2025.
"Then something that kind of emerged was this leader within her that I was so happy that the writers wanted her to be, and the fact that it's born out of her upbringing, but she finds it within herself throughout the course of the film and throughout the people that love her in the film and show their love for her. Marc Webb and I kind of called it her third eye opening."
"There's a couple of scenes in there where she's speaking like someone who's been alive for much longer than she has, and that's something that I relate to, something that I've been told all my life. So, getting to bring that to a character that I love so deeply and that I've spent so much time with now, it's a really amazing thing as an actor and as a performer, and I can't wait for people to get to see it."