Pelinkehittäjät ovat viime vuosina ryhtyneet muodostamaan omia ammattiliittojaan etujensa turvaamiseksi. Ruotsalainen Avalanche Studios Group muistetaan muun muassa pelistä Rage 2, ja nyt 100 työntekijää eli noin viidennes työvoimasta on muodostanut oman ammattiliittonsa.
IGN:lle puhunut liiton edustaja toivottaa yhteistyön tervetulleeksi firman johdon kanssa.
"We (by which I mean the board of the local union branch) are very hopeful about the prospect of signing a collective bargaining agreement, and believe that this will be a great step towards ensuring that the thoughts, ideas, feelings, and opinions of Avalanche's employees are given the representation that they deserve. We look forward to working together with company leadership to make the company better."
Avalanchen johto puolestaan toivotti uuden ammattiliiton tervetulleeksi.
"As an employer, we're committed to creating the best possible conditions for all Avalanchers to thrive. We support and welcome any initiative that goes in this direction. This also means that we listen, invite dialogue, and encourage people to bring forward their perspectives and needs. After all, it's thanks to each and every Avalancher that we're able to make the great games we're known for."