Control 2

Remedy kertoi lisää peleistä Control 2 ja Max Payne Remake

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Kotimainen Remedy nautiskelee tällä hetkellä ansaitusti Alan Wake 2:n saamasta hyvästä vastaanotosta, mutta toki katse suuntautuu jo tulevaan.

Sijoittajille annetusta tiedosta kertoi VGC, ja sen mukaan Control 2 on edelleen luonnosteluasteella ("proof-of-concept stage").

"The plans for this sequel are ambitious, and we have seen good progress both in the designs and in the game build. We will continue at this stage for the next few quarters. We focus on proving the identified key elements before moving to the next stage and scaling up the team."

Max Payne Remake puolestaan on valmis lähtemään tuotantoon. Sanamuodosta päätellen ei kuitenkaan ole vielä itse tuotannossa.

"Max Payne 1&2 remake progressed into the production readiness stage. We have gained clarity on the style and scope of the game, and we have an exceptionally well-organized team working on it. With these accomplishments, we are excited about the project and its future success."

Kavereiden kanssa yhteistä toimintaa painottava Condor ja Codename Vanguard mainittiin nekin, joskin hyvin pienessä määrin.

"Condor, a co-operative multiplayer game, has progressed from the proof-of-concept to the production readiness stage. We have acquired valuable insights into developing service-based games and are now in a better position to create a game players can engage with for years... In Codename Vanguard we are defining the next stages of the project with our publishing partner. At the same time the project is aiming towards completing the proof-of-concept stage by the end of the year."

Control 2

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