Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story

Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story tehtiin ensisijaisesti Nintendo Switchille

1. marraskuuta se sitten julkaistaan, mutta Gamescomin humussa jo haastateltiin.

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Kehittäjä Tequila Worksin ja julkaisija Riot Forgen Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story saadaan 1. marraskuuta Nintendo Switchille ja PC:lle. Myöhemmin ovat sitten vuorossa Playstation ja Xbox.

Gamereactor pääsi Gamescomin humussa haastattelemaan luovia ohjaajia Rowan "Nunu" Parkeria ja Raúl "Willump" Rubiota. Heidän mukaansa Nintendo Switch oli alusta asti se pääalusta. Katso haastattelu kokonaisuudessaan alta täällä Gamereactorissa.

"No, I mean, we put so much work into it. It is butter smooth on the Switch. For real, I would say that we haven't spent years on the Nintendo Switch version. It's not a port because since day one, that's the secret. Since day one, basically, Nintendo Switch was the platform. And of course, that doesn't mean that obviously all the other games look like the Switch version. It's that the Switch version is super polished, super smooth, because it was not an afterthought. It was designed like that from scratch. It's not just a matter of technology or visual style. It's that everything had to work on the Switch."

Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story

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