Insomniac Gamesin Spider-Man-pelien Mary Janen äänenä kuullaan Laura Baileya, mutta henkilöhahmon kasvomallina on kuitenkin entinen malli Stephanie Tyler Jones. Valitettavasti osa fanikunnasta on vienyt asioita turhan pitkälle.
Instagramissa Jones kertoi saavansa ihmisiltä yhteydenottoja Spider-Manista, vaikka hänen uusi työnsä koskee ihonhoitoa. Elkeet ovat ajoittain vainoamista muistuttavia.
"Dear Spider-Man fans,
I appreciate the love for my role in the Spider-Man games and the positive response to my version of MJ has gotten over the years. However, I am no longer an actively auditioning actor or model. The shoots I do now are purely a creative outlet for myself and a way to collaborate with friends I love. Over the weekend, some followers crossed boundaries. One even went to the extent of calling my workplace and leaving multiple voicemails wanting to speak with me and requesting I call back, which is unacceptable and considered stalking. My skincare page is not for Spider-Man or MJ fans. Bottom line is that I came into work this morning and immediately felt unsafe and uncomfortable hearing those voicemails. Please respect that I am a human being trying to make a living just like you, and I kindly ask for boundaries to not be crossed. Messages will not be answered, I will block you if you make me feel uncomfortable and you can unfollow me if this disappoints you.
Thank you."